nordstrom likes me

Nordstrom is one of those stores  that doesn't just sell fashion but literally drips with style.  Just walking into the place usually makes me feel fancy. I don't get out to the "malls" very often, but when I do, I Nordstrom ( I just made that a verb).

Well, coincidentally,  Nordstrom has recently partnered with tinyprints and hand selected a few pieces  ( invitations, holiday cards and stationery) that they feel share their  "signature eye for design". If you check out the tinyprints home will see it, right smack dab in the middle of the page "THE NORDSTROM CURATED COLLECTION". 

I love Nordstrom (see first paragraph)... like really, really love it. So, you can imagine my excitement when I realized that Nordstrom must also really, really like me! I mean, they must like me if they chose two of my designs to be in their curated collection, right? Let's just go with it.

I may have to go buy myself a new shirt (at Nordstrom, of course)  to celebrate the fact that we are now best friends.